5 Bulletproof Reasons Why Product & Service Subscriptions Work Better
Why should you choose subscriptions? A subscription is best understood as an arrangement that prioritises convenience and simplicity of payment, where customers’ daily necessities and various needs are taken care of on a monthly or yearly basis by just signing up once. Subscriptions are indeed not new, with most digital entertainment content on platforms like Netflix, Spotify and Amazon Prime offered to consumers through monthly or yearly subscriptions. However, with e-commerce taking off in the post 2020 pandemic era, subscription models are likely to be adopted for a wider range of daily consumables and services as well. And the ease of just needing to sign up once provides customers with significant time savings, as well as unmatched convenience. What are the factors behind subscription s being better? Here's why product and service subscriptions work better, especially when compared to conventional online shopping on e-commerce sites: 1. Easy budgeting Mon...